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Masciantonio Video Collection

Ancient Rome Live is focused on providing exceptional educational content about Ancient Rome for a wide audience. This audience includes teachers and students of Latin and the classical world.  It’s the classroom of Latin that is a typical point of entry for those that become interested in the world of ancient Rome. Usually, finding suitable online content that can complement lesson plans or enhance in-class discussions is not an easy task. The Ancient Rome Live platform exists as a resource for students of Latin and Antiquity, with focused content production on the development of the city, famous Romans, key monuments and locations, famous dates, and specific topics (daily life, religion, engineering, architecture, and more).
The CAAS (Classical Association of the Atlantic States) Masciantonio grant of $25,000.00 has acknowledged the educational value of the Ancient Rome Live videos by supporting the creation of new lectures and videos filmed on site, including themes and topics such as Latin inscriptions of Rome and a series on the chronology of the ancient city. In this way, the Ancient Rome Live platform can further the mission and theme of the grant as envisioned by its creator Dr. Rudolph Masciantonio, introducing students to the Greek and Roman world – energizing the studies in Latin- through exposure to the physical remains.