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Watch the online seminar hosted by Darius Arya here:

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This Ancient Rome Live Seminar, hosted by Darius Arya, answers questions submitted to the Institute’s social media platforms (@ancientromelive on Twitter and Instagram) and Facebook on daily life in Ancient Rome for kids. Please join in the discussion on how boys and girls grew up in Ancient Rome. We examine life at home, chores, schooling, and all of the fun activities. Of course, not everyone grew up in a large house (Domus) with lots of slaves attending. Instead, we examine all walks of life for children – from slave children to freedmen kids to the sons and daughters of Rome’s elite. Join in the discussion. And keep interacting with @saverome and @dariusaryadigs on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

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Cite this page as: Darius Arya, The American Institute for Roman Culture, “Seminar (For Kids) – Daily Life in Ancient Rome for Kids” Ancient Rome Live. Last modified 03/27/2020.


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