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The so-called Temple of Minerva Medica, is, in fact, a luxurious heated dining hall constructed in part in a massive residence of the emperor Gallienus.

From Platner & Ashby’s (1929) Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome:

A temple on the Esquiline (Not. Reg. V), dating from republican times (cf. Cic. de div. ii. 123: sine medico medicinam dabit Minerva), and referred to in two inscriptions (CIL vi. 10133, 30980).

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Its position in the Regionary Catalogue, between the campus Viminalis and the temple of Isis Patricia, points to a site in the northern part of Region V, but the discovery of hundreds of votive offerings-on one of which is one of the two inscriptions (30980)-in the via Curva (now the Via Carlo Botta), just west of the via Merulana, may mean that this was its location (BC 1887, 154-156, 192-200 ; I888, 124-125 ; Mitt. 1889, 278; HJ 353; Rosch. ii. 2989; Cons. 305-312 and reff.). Some tufa walls, resembling favissae, were also found here. For the circular building wrongly so called, see NYMPHAEUM.

Where in Rome is the Temple of Minerva Medica?

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Cite this page as: Darius Arya, The American Institute for Roman Culture, “Temple of Minerva Medica” Ancient Rome Live. Last modified 08/14/2020.


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