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Largo Argentina (Argentina Square) is the modern name for an archeological site in Rome primarily consisting of four temples from the Republican period. In antiquity, this area was part of the Campus Martius region.

Temple C, the earliest of the four temples, was built by Manlius Curius Dentatus in 290 BCE. It celebrated his victory over the Sabines, an Italian tribe that Rome fought frequently during its formative years. This temple was dedicated to Feronia, an Italian goddess associated with fertility. Next was Temple A, built in 242 BCE by Gaius Lutatius Catulus following his victory over the Carthaginians. This temple was dedicated to the water goddess Juturna. Temple D was built in the early second century BCE and, unlike its predecessors, did not honor any military victory. Instead, it was dedicated to the Lares Permarini, guardian deities thought to protect sailors. Lastly, the circular tholos-like Temple B was built in 101 BCE by Quintus Lutatius Catulus. It celebrated his victory over the Cimbri at the Battle of Vercellae, in which he fought alongside the legendary Roman general Marius. Temple B was dedicated to fortuna huiusce diei (fortune of this day), a cognomen of the Roman goddess Fortuna.

The site also encompasses shops and offices built during the late republic and early imperial period. This includes the Curia of Pompey, a meeting hall used by the Roman Senate where Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE. Out of respect for his adopted father, Augustus had the curia closed and it was subsequently replaced by two large latrines. A few decades later, Domitian renovated the temples and built a new floor following a fire in 80 CE.

During the Middle Ages, Temple A was converted into a church while the rest of the site was neglected and buried under new structures, mainly residential areas for the rich. This changed in the 1920’s, when large scale excavations began. In 2023, the site was finally opened to the public.



Largo di Torre Argentina

Where in Rome is Largo Argentina?

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Cite this page as: Darius Arya, The American Institute for Roman Culture, “Largo Argentina (Argentina Square)” Ancient Rome Live. Last modified 03/19/2024.


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