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Watch the online seminar hosted by Darius Arya here:

Key information:

Who was Augustus? A young 19-year-old Octavian was named the heir of Julius Caesar after the Ides of March, 44 BCE. No one really thought he could succeed Caesar, but against all odds, he defeated his many foes and established a dynasty. He had many successes and failures, familial challenges and struggles for a smooth succession. He also managed to expand the empire, stabilize Rome and the provinces, and die in his bed (a rare feat for Roman emperors). Let’s trace the course of his incredible life, and have a look at some of his most impressive building achievements in Rome. (All of the sites and monuments mentioned are featured in individual videos on this site and our WEDIGROME YouTube channel – so go and explore!)

Where did Augustus leave his mark on Rome?

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Cite this page as: Darius Arya, The American Institute for Roman Culture, “Seminar – The Lives of Augustus” Ancient Rome Live. Last modified 03/30/2020.


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