Birthdate: Faustina was born on February 16, around 100 CE.
Birthplace: Unknown.
Reign: Antoninus Pius, Faustina’s husband, became emperor in 138 CE. She held the title of empress until her death in 140 CE.
(Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 5 & 6.7)
Antoninus Pius (? – 140 CE)
(Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 5.2 & 6.7)
Children: Faustina and Antoninus Pius had four children together. Only one, Faustina the Younger, survived till adulthood.
Marcus Aurelius Fulvius Antoninus
Marcus Galerius Aurelius Antoninus
Aurelia Fadilla
(Inscriptions on the Mausoleum of Hadrian) (Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 10.2)
Death: Faustina died of natural causes in 140 CE.
(Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 6.7)

Bust of Faustina Major, Centrale Montemartini, Rome, February 2019

Portrait of Faustina Major, Ostia Antiquarium, Ostia, June 2019.

Statue of Faustina Major as Ceres or Fortuna, Musei Capitolini, Rome, November 2018.
(Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 5.2)
(Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 6.7 & 8.2)
(Historia Augusta, Life of Antoninus Pius, 6.7)
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